‘Passion’ or ‘Purpose’ are terms we hear around a lot, and some of us feel confused about what our own life purpose is. Truth be told, it is easy for some people to identify themselves with a calling while many others struggle with the concept of having one single purpose.
So if you are wondering about your purpose, this one’s for you…
To be able to define one’s purpose, the easiest route is to take a journey back in time and identify patterns, of behaviour, approach to things and situations, the good times and the lessons, family and friends, and experiences.
When you do this, ask yourself “What are the common themes”, or simply, what comes naturally to you and what you enjoyed doing most along the way.
What really matters here is the things you enjoyed or still look forward to, and taking them to answer “why” you enjoyed them. The underlying point is that there is a value attached to things you like doing. It’s a value that you believe in as a principle or life mantra, and which makes you feel good about doing the right thing - for you or for others.
Once you start thinking of the value that you want to create or add to the universe, your purpose starts to make sense. It’s like finding your north star and aligning your present actions to it so that tomorrow when you look back in a similar fashion at your life experiences, you will have a much more connected story and faith in having taken the right steps, whether they make sense right now or not, but as long as they are aligned to your values, they will serve you without any regrets.
Next steps: Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and start rolling that film of the past you across the projector in your mind. If at first you don’t see the patterns in your past actions, don’t worry and just dive deeper.